Hello....It's me.

OK. So blogger attempt numero uno was a huge fail. I went back to work (two years ago!!) and fell completely off the grid. I really have no excuse. Ryan got pretty tired of me saying " We should do that, you know, for the blog" when in reality there was no blog. But, tis a new year and with it comes my renewed resolve to share my life with the world (wide web). I'm not really sure why I want to blog so badly, but I do. So I'm gonna. 

What have I been up to these last two years? Well lemme tell you...so much. I switched companies, considered a major career change (so happy that one didn't actually happen!), got my license to drive (whaaaa-t!), and had another baby. #nbd.

We threw a few parties, swapped up a few rooms, and are trying to get a handle on life as a family of five.

Here's to take two. I hope you'll join me for the ride.

Later gators.